MWB #16 - Strong Opinions, Investments and Twitter Threads
...reading these will make you smarter
Hello friends,
Apologies for not sending this on schedule.
Yesterday night, while having a random thought, it dawned on me again that writing skills is the minimum prerequisite for the digital natives.
On the internet, writing is like “knowledge of Microsoft office tools” that all employers tend to ask for when you are applying for a job. So doing everything within your power to develop that skill is important.
And I have something that can help you to write better here.
Tweet of the week
Best of What I Wrote
I took a stab at a principle that has guided me in me my thought process and wrote about it. That's the principle of Holding Strong Opinions Loosely. As I noted in the article, growth requires that we are ever ready to change our minds in the light of new and superior knowledge. However, identity often requires that we hold some strong opinions strongly. Finding the balance is the hallmark of intelligence.
Here's a reminder that your self development is none negotiable and nothing should stand in your way of achieving it. What's important is to see it as an “important but not urgent” activity. Seeing it as so gives you room to “take your time" and develop at your pace and not on anyone's assumed timeline.
Best of What I Read
Is that an investment or an expenses? In this short article, Seth Godin talked about what characteristics makes a thing an investment and which one makes it an expense. Spoiler alert, any amount spent on your developing your skills is an investment. Invest more.
Twitter is gold mine and all you need to do confirm that claim is no ensure you follow the right accounts. I stumbled on this 31 threads over the week and I believe you can learn more from them than you can spending the same time scrolling all of Twitter. It's an absolute favourite.
Talking about Twitter, I have an article here that talks about how I use Twitter. You should read it if you have not.
That's it for this week!
I apologise again for not sending this email yesterday.
See you next Thursday.