MWB #28 - Become Dangerous, In Praise of Observation and Improvement
...our daily goal is to learn more about how the world works
Hello there,
Last week’s newsletter was well received and even gained some shares from you all. Thank you. For some of you who started this journey with me last year, you would know that a lot has changed (for the better). It’s not a coincidence, and the secret to that is simple. I didn’t stop and sort to get better. If you keep up with me, I promise that a year from now, things would have changed again (for the better).
I believe that’s exactly how life should be. Take a thing, get better at it until you master it, then get better again until it becomes native to you. Then take another thing. However, don’t be a donkey amidst all these attempts.
Let’s get into what we have for today as we build a mind without Boundary together.
I read a lot of interesting stuff and went some step further on some things I’ve been thinking about (how strangers are part of our lives by design and the importance of observation).
Tweet of The Week
Best of What I Wrote
Of King Solomon is was written that God gave him wisdom, the deepest of understanding and the largest of hearts. Of Albert Einstein, we could assume that he wouldn’t have learned of gravity if the apple didn’t fall in his presence. Solomon and Einstein, what do they both have in common?
My pondering on the origin of original ideas revealed that they were both great observers. I learnt that the man who observes rules. I learnt that when God blesses you with wisdom, what he’s merely giving you is the gift of unmatched ability to observe the universe. In this newly published article, Observation Is The Secret To Discovering Original Ideas, I expanded more on the concept of observation. This is a must-read.
You may also like to read Becoming A Great Observer from Psychology Today.
Entropy: Why Things Get Worse Over Time - understanding how the world works give anyone a great advantage and I’ve dedicated the last months (>14 months) of my time to exploring different narratives that shape the world. One of such is the concept of entropy. Entropy says, in a state of nature, all things move from orderliness to disorderliness. I found that to be profound.
To make sure my friends learn a thing or two about this concept, I wrote an article about it. Read it here.
Best of What I Read
I read a lot of interesting things in the past week and I’m sure I can’t share all. So please check out the few I’m choosing to share.
How To Become Dangerous (DOC download): I’ve spent not so many years on this green planet. However, I’ve dined and wine with the best of minds that ever lived by reading what they wrote or what was written about them. In all these, I can only reach one conclusion:
The person who can formulate and communicate the best argument almost always wins. If you want a job, you have to make a case for yourself. If you want a raise, you have to convince someone that you deserve it. If you are trying to convince someone of the validity of your idea, you have to debate its merits successfully, particularly if there are others with other competing ideas.
If you sharpen your capacity to think and to communicate as a consequence of writing, you are better armed.
Those who can think and communicate are simply more powerful than those who cannot, and powerful in the good way, the way that means “able to do a wide range of things competently and efficiently.” Furthermore, the further up the ladder of competence you climb, with your well-formulated thoughts, the more important thinking and communicating become.
And in this essay, Jordan Peterson shares the definite Essay Writing Guide.
If You are not persuaded enough to download that guide and read it, then start with this video clip.
I follow Crypto for the novelty of the technology and making money from it is merely a side effect. That said, I’ve made several attempts in the past to help a lot of people to understand it. However, it almost always seems out of reach for them to understand. Partly, I’m to be blamed for not communicating it simple enough for them to understand.
Well, I found an interesting and simple article to make my job easier in the future. Crypto for People Who Don't Follow Crypto is an article written with no jargon and in plain English meant to achieve its title. Read it even if you understand crypto.
Still on cryptocurrency. If you are new to it or old in it, please read this thread by the creator of Dogecoin. In it, raised valid concerns about crypto which you and I must not close our eyes on either because we are invested in it monetarily or mentally. Read. Knowledge reveals the real risk I always say.
That’s all for this week,
See you again in the next.