Thank you for dispensing this from your wealth of knowledge.

Often time, I've learned that winners attempt many things before they eventually succeed at one.

To get "LUCK" many times require Labouring Under Correct Knowledge!

My concern is, how will a Christian that has been taught how to pay attention to Holy Spirit & get things right once, be able to balance it up with principle that governs the earth with effective result as stated in your write up?

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Such a good question you ask Wisdom.

Let me answer with an illustration.

There is a difference between destination and journey to a destination. And if you ask anyone who's arrived at a destination you will always see them marvel at how much they miss the journey. That is to say they two different experiences.

When you say the Holy Spirit helps you to "get things right once", you overlook a couple of things...

1. When a cry came to Paul to journey to Macedonia, where was he before? Did he get anything done there? What about the journey to Macedonia.

2. When Jesus told Peter upon this rock I will build my church, did it get built overnight? Didn't Peter deny Jesus? Was that part of the "get things right once"?

You see, whatever "get things right once" one might receive from the Holy Spirit, it is either a destination or journey to a destination and the gap between a journey and a destination is where you need to play your part. And playing your part includes...

1. Giving things a try

2. Experimenting at scale

3. Doing hard things.

It is the work of your hand that gets blessed.

Let me share a lesson I picked from my life.

When you receive such guidance of which I received one - "to study Accounting in school" -, more often that not, it is usually the defining of a path not necessarily a destination. Why because today, even though my Accounting knowledge has been profoundly useful, I am not a practicing Accountant and I don't see myself being one in a foreseeable future. What then is the essence of the guidance you may puzzle?

Well, like I said earlier, it turned out that for me the instruction only served as a path not a destination. What is the destination? As at now, I do not know and that is why I follow those three principles above and trusting that since I am on the right path, I will end up in a worthwhile destination.

With that you see that your faith doesn't leave you out of the hands of luck and the need to engineer luck. You may want to see this...

Ecclesiastes 11:9 The Message

"...Follow the impulses of your heart. If something looks good to you, pursue it. But know also that not just anything goes; You have to answer to God for every last bit of it."

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